KIN ASSIST: A Kin Canada Foundation Charitable Program
The central theme to all of life’s events is that even if you are well prepared, stuff happens. You may have insurance on property and health care may cover most of the established hard costs, but what about the soft costs? Many families are well prepared, but when life happens, each family is still out of pocket for emergency expenses, accommodations, travel and meals that are extraordinary. The stress of living away from home and trying to manage finances can hinder the well-being of any family, no matter how prepared they are. Does it matter how much money they make? Could a program that gives them a helping hand in their time of need make them into a donor at a later date?
The Kin Canada Foundation KIN ASSIST Program can help with either immediate or long term costs. Can we fund 100%; not likely. This program is not about full solutions to life’s events, but a helping hand that will bring hope for a future. We can provide altruistic support that is sensitive to individual family needs that preserves their self-esteem and we could deliver that ASSIST in a timely manner.
A – Altruism = Caring about the welfare of other people and acting to help
S – Support = Provide for the necessities of life to a person or family
S – Sensitive = Showing that you care about someone or something
I – Individual = a single act
S – Self Esteem = personal worth of a person
T – Timely = Occurring at a suitable time
KIN ASSIST is a program that advances emergency cash in times of disaster and financial relief in cases of extensive medical conditions we can provide a much needed service to help families and individuals through their times of stress.
The purpose of the ASSIST fund is two-fold. First is to assist Canadians with medical travel, accommodations and meals when they are faced with medical situations that require them to travel over 80 km to receive the treatment they require. The treatments and or consultations must not be available within their own community and must meet a strict list of conditions in order to be eligible.
The secondary purpose of the fund is to provide emergency relief for Canadian individuals and/or families that have experienced devastating losses due to house fire or other circumstance that causes them to be displaced from their principal residence for a period of time that is anticipated to be longer than two weeks. Unfortunately, aid is not paid for any loss related to a natural disaster.
If any club or individual would like to make a donation to the KIN ASSIST fund we will gladly accept it and segregate the funds for this purpose only.
Should you wish to donate or receive more information about the program, please fill out the form below.
[contact-form to=”” subject=”Kin Assist”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Kin Club” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” required=”1″][/contact-form]